Joys of theory 

The conventional view is that the rarefied world of theory is firmly the province of academia. Why then is there

The conventional view is that the rarefied world of theory is firmly the province of academia. Why then is there a column about theorising international affairs in this magazine?  

The short answer is that awareness of theory can make us better thinkers. Theoretical thinking makes analysis sharp, understanding deep, and judgement sound.  

But let me say more.  

All comprehension of the world is theory. It is a framework of understanding, or a story if one may, to explain the goings-on, whether in our personal lives or in the world around us.  

We unconsciously learn and build theories around situations. We do this based on what we pick up during our lifetime from various influencers and influences around us–be they parents, family, educators, news, public personalities or various media. These theories that are picked up subconsciously or unconsciously never leave us. They show up in our sense of right and wrong, obligation and purpose. They shape our choices and manage the contradictions that invariably come from living in the real world.  

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